First ever blog part 1 (second term "blues", marketing vs physiotherapy, commitment, faith)

First ever blog (second term "blues", commerce vs health care, commitment, faith) 

Hi, there!

With the intention of improving my writing skills, I've decided to write blogs! I'm going to be using this blog to write about my thoughts and things that are occurring throughout my day-to-day life. Very similar to a journal, but maybe a little bit more formal? 😛

As the title suggest, in 2016, I suffer something called the second year "blue". This occurs when uni students start doubting if they made the right decision about their degree, this usually happens in the second semester of year of uni, thus the name. For those that have not never experience this, think of a time when you brought something and you keep evaluating about whether you made the right choice or not. 

The first semester of 2016, I was uncertain if I have chosen the right career path in life (I was majoring in finance). With the benefit of hindsight, I can see several reasons why I was feeling this way. Firstly, I chose my major in a very nonchalant, all my friends decided to do finance, and I just decided to follow(stupidly thinking that I can succeed in any major). Secondly, I was a high-achieving freshman, I was receiving distinction and high distinction for all my subjects through year one. But things were not smooth in year 2, in fact, I hit my wall and that was finance. Due to my limited maths background, I really struggle with this statistic course called QBA. It shocked me how much I couldn't comprehend the subject. Thirdly, my brain was filled with this knowledge of an INFJ which I was doing a lot of research on...and I thought I needed to be in an industry in which I can help others to fill satisfy in life.

Therefore, I decided to sign up and set up my preferences earlier this year, to allow myself to have the choice when the offer were out.Yesterday, the main round for university offers were released, and I receive my second preference of Physiotherapy at WSU. I somewhat hoped I wouldn't receive an offer, so  I didn't have to make a decision. But after thinking about it, I am grateful that I received the choice. 

To be continued...


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