21 Questions
1. Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is it? 2. Where can I find everlasting happiness in life? 3. What does it mean to live a good life? 4. What should be the goal of humanity? 5. What actions in your life will have the longest reaching consequences? 6. Where does your self-worth come from? 7. If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity? 8. How can I find hope in the midst of hardship and suffering? 9. What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to? 10. What are you going to do with the one life you have? 11. What life-altering things should every human ideally get yo experience at least once in their lives? 12. What do you think existed before the universe was created? 13. There has always been something. What do you think it is? 14. Why are humans so confident in their belief that can't be proven? 15. Where can I find the perfect love? 16. Where can I find value and ...